Discipline, Attendance and Textbooks

Discipline Policy



Students shall be treated with fairness in all discipline matters and shall be accorded procedural due process when the discipline measures of corporal punishment, short- and long-term suspension, or expulsion are applied. Before being punished for violation of a Board policy or local school rule/regulation, the local school principal or designee shall ensure that students are accorded the following appropriate due process:

Informal Due Process (Corporal Punishment and Short-Term Suspension)

1. The student shall be given oral or written notice of the charge(s) against him/her.

2. The evidence supporting the charge(s) shall be explained to the student.

3. The student shall be given an opportunity to present his/her own version of the facts concerning the charge(s) and present witnesses. 

The disciplining authority (principal or teacher, etc.) may impose appropriate discipline measures immediately following the informal due process hearing stated above.

Formal Due Process (Long-Term Suspension and Expulsion)

When a student is facing possible long-term suspension of more than 10 school days or expulsion, the Board shall ensure that the following formal due process procedures are accorded the student:

1. The right to a hearing

2. The right to be represented by counsel

3. The right to cross-examine witnesses

4. The right to a written record of the hearing

5. The right to a written record of the Board's decision

Special Education Students

Prior to the application of the above procedures to a special education student, said student's IEP committee shall be convened to determine if the student's behavior warranting punishment is related to the handicap. In the event it is determined that the student's behavior is not related to the handicap, the student shall be treated as any other student, except that, a special education student may not be suspended or expelled for more than ten (10) school days without being provided an alternative educational program.


Attendance Policy

UNDER CONSTRUCTION-refer to student code of conduct and handbook until finalized.  


Textbook Policy

We seek to provide all students with textbooks.  Each student must have a signed textbook permission slip before textbooks can be issued. If a book becomes damaged or lost, it must be paid for before another book will be issued.  Textbook selection is coordinated with the Curriculum and Instruction Department.